Sunday, February 16, 2025

Over 3,000 Bills Are Having Committee Hearings Budget Crisis Looms Over Everything

                                Over 3,000 Bills Are Having Committee Hearings

Budget Crisis Looms Over Everything

 The Maryland Legislative Session lasts 90 days and the legislative process in Annapolis has basically four stages.

In the first part of the session, legislators introduce bills and the Governor, and the General Assembly Leadership present their priority packages.  Phase 1 ended the first week of February when we passed the deadline for the timely introduction of legislation.   Over 3,000 bills and resolutions were introduced. 

In the second phase, House and Senate Committees have hearings on every bill introduced. (Not every state mandates hearings on every bill.  It is in the Maryland constitution.)  This occurs during February when Committees in both chambers meet for long hours to receive public testimony on each bill.

In the third phase, the House and Senate Committees vote on bills and if the vote is favorable, they are debated and voted on by the Senate and /or the House of Delegates.  This phase ends on March 11thCrossover Day.   That is the deadline for a bill to be passed by one house to be heard in a timely manner by the other chamber of the legislature.

In the last phase each chamber of the legislature has to hear the bill voted on by the other chamber.  Both chambers have to vote on the exact same version of the bill, and this has to be done by midnight of the 90th day of the Session (Sine Die) which this year is Monday April 7th.

Bills passed by both chambers are sent to the Governor for his signature. He has 30 days to sign or veto a bill.  If a bill is vetoed (doubtful with a Democratic Governor and legislature) it can be over-ridden by the legislature when they go back in session the next year or with a special session

Budget Deficit Casts Big Shadow over Annapolis

This legislative session is unique in that the looming budget deficit Maryland of over $3 billion is what everybody is talking about.  Governor Moore has proposed over $2 billion in budget cuts and $1 billion in new revenue.  In addition, there is the possibility of massive cuts in Federal grants and programs which could raise the deficit up to $6 billion and the impact of the layoffs and firings of Federal workers who live in Maryland.  There are approximately 160,000 federal civilian jobs in our state.   The legislature has to pass a balanced budget by the end of the legislative session.  Both chambers are expected to vote on the budget by March 31st

            Governor Moore’s Budget will have House and Senate hearings on his budget on.  Many of the changes will be in the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2025 (HB 352). There will be an important hearing on that bill on February 27th at 1 PM and February 28th at noon.   You can watch the televised hearing at the MGA Website:     

Some Important Bills

            One important bill that has already made progress in that it was voted favorably by the House of Delegates was:

HB 211 Delegate Foley – This bill allows Graduate Assistants who are teaching at one of the University of Maryland System institutions to form unions and bargain with their university.  They currently do not have that right.  A companion bill has been introduced to allow University Professors to have the same right.

                Over the last few years, I have been working with the Maryland Legislative Coalition ( ).  We regularly review the bills that have been introduced and then let people know about them and how they can advocate for them.  I will be copying their material from now on rather than rewriting what’s already been done.

Criminal Justice

SB0827 HB1107 Juvenile Law - Confinement and Restrictive Housing - Limitations mitigate the negative impacts of restrictive housing, i.e., solitary confinement, on minors by limiting its use and ensuring humane conditions, which promotes better rehabilitation and reduces recidivism rates. Committees: Senate Judicial Proceedings and House Judiciary


HB0836 County Police Accountability Boards - Investigation of Complaints of Police Misconduct authorizes county police accountability boards to exercise investigatory and subpoena powers, allowing them to conduct independent investigations of police misconduct concurrently with law enforcement agencies. This bill aims to transform PABs from advisory boards to accountability boards, providing them with the necessary tools to conduct investigations free from interference. Committee: House Judiciary

HB0986 New Teachers - Retention Program would compel each county board of education to establish a new teacher retention program. By supporting new teachers through mentorships and more, this bill aims to improve student outcomes and create a more stable and effective educational environment. House Ways and Means Committee.


SB0633 HB0906 Campaign Finance - Political Organizations - Disclosures on Solicitations (Stop Scam PACs Act) mandates that organizations’ fundraising using a candidate's name, image, or likeness must disclose that the candidate was not involved and that donations may not be tax-deductible. Violations incur both civil and criminal penalties, and the offending entity would be temporarily prohibited from soliciting donations. Committees: Education, Energy, and the Environment plus Ways and Means

HB0069 Environment - Plastic Products - Postconsumer Recycled Content Program 
states plastic beverage containers must contain at least 50% postconsumer recycled content by 2033. Rigid plastic containers must contain at least 40% postconsumer recycled content by 2034. By setting minimum recycled content among other requirements, the bill checks a lot of boxes by aiming to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, conserve resources, and reduce waste sent to landfills and incinerators. House Environment and Transportation Committee.

Gun Control

HB0180 Public Safety - Gun Violence Victim Relocation Program creates a program that offers assistance and support to eligible victims and their families to ensure their safety and well-being through relocation. The purpose is to ameliorate immediate threats and psychological impacts, while providing a chance for victims to escape violent environments and rebuild their lives in a secure setting. Committee: House Judiciary

Health Care
SB0614 HB1020 Fair Medical Debt Reporting Act promotes fair credit practices by protecting consumers from the adverse effects of medical debt on their credit reports. The bill helps ensure medical debt does not disproportionately affect individuals' ability to access credit and financial opportunities, which would compound the impact of a health event. Committee: Health Government Operations


SB0856 Mold - Landlord Requirements and Regulations (Maryland Tenant Mold Protection Act) requires landlords to perform mold assessments and remediation within 45 days after receiving notice. These measures are designed to protect tenants' health by ensuring prompt and effective mold remediation, which is particularly important for vulnerable populations like children. Committees: Judicial Proceedings and Education, Energy, and the Environment

SB0828 Protecting Sensitive Locations Act would require the Attorney General to develop guidelines for immigration enforcement at sensitive locations. Given the current environment, we need a bill to protect vulnerable individuals and communities by limiting immigration enforcement activities at locations such as schools, medical facilities, places of worship, childcare centers, and other locations designated by the Attorney General. Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings

SB0977 Maryland Data Privacy Act would compel law enforcement agencies and units of state or local government to deny access to personal information and photographs unless presented with a valid warrant issued by a federal or state court. It also mandates the Attorney General to enforce these provisions and outline disciplinary actions for state employees who violate the act. Committee: Senate Judicial Proceedings

HB1431 State and Local Agencies Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act) mandates that state and local agencies deny access to personal data for federal immigration enforcement without a valid warrant and prohibits the use of facial recognition technology for this purpose. By ensuring that personal data remains protected, the bill provides an additional layer of security and fosters trust among Maryland residents, particularly within immigrant communities. Committee: House Judiciary


HB 1014/SB 859: Fair Share for Maryland Act is designed to address our budget shortfall in an equitable manner. Here’s what the Act aims to achieve:

·         Close corporate tax loopholes most other states have addressed, leveling the playing field for small businesses.

·         Fix our upside-down tax system by ensuring the wealthiest 1% of Marylanders contribute their fair share in taxes.

·         Expand working family tax credits, providing more support to hardworking families.

·         Generate $1.6 billion per year in new revenue, significantly boosting our state’s financial health.

Committees: House Ways and Means/Senate Budget and Taxation



HB0517 SB0401 MARC Rail Authority Act of 2025 would create a dedicated authority to manage and improve the MARC rail service, WHERE NONE EXISTS! The bill also authorizes the MARC Rail Authority to issue revenue bonds to finance railroad facilities. Improved MARC rail services can reduce traffic congestion, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and provide a convenient and sustainable transportation option for commuters.  Committee: House Environment and Transportation

HB0958 SB0855 The Maryland Railway Safety Act of 2025 includes requirements that a freight train must have a crew of at least two individuals or face fines of $10,000 to $25,000. A train operating on main lines in Maryland may not exceed 8,500 feet in length, unless granted an exception, or face a $10,000 penalty. That’s over a mile and a half! The bill also mandates the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to set up and oversee a system for reporting the transportation of hazardous materials and waste by rail. House Environment and Transportation Committee




When there is a Committee Hearing on A Bill Scheduled, it is important to contact members of the Committee.  The General Assembly website lists all the committees, the members of each committee and their contact information.  Go to the main page ( and click on the Committees tab.


Call or send an email to your legislators using the contact information found.   Here is where you can find out who are your Delegates and Senator:


If you would like to include a short description of the bills, you can include the descriptions shown above. You are also encouraged to include any details of why you think this bill is important.


Dear (legislator),

My name is _________ and my address is ______________.  I am writing to let you know that the following bill(s) is(are) important to me and to all Marylanders.  I would like to request that you be a champion for these bills and help them get passed quickly. 

Each of these bills is important for Maryland and I support them and would like your help in getting them passed.  If you are not on the relevant committee, I would appreciate your voting for them during the session.  If you are on the relevant committee, I hope you will fight for them and support the sponsors as much as possible.

Thank you for your consideration,
