General Assembly Passes Crossover Date
The legislative crossover date has come and gone. Crossover is the date on which a bill has to pass one of the two legislative houses to be heard and passed by the other house. Over three thousand bills have been introduced but only a few hundred have passed one of the two legislative houses. Almost all the bills that have not passed either the House or the Senate have very little chance of passing (there are some ‘leadership’ bills that still may pass even if they have not yet passed one of the two houses). I have listed below a bunch of bills that are still ‘in play’ in case you want to contact a legislator to support the bill. At the end of this newsletter is a short summary of how you can advocate for legislation. The session ends on April 7th.
The big discussion in Annapolis continues to be the impact of the budget crisis and the impact of cutbacks by the Federal Government. Normally the budget is passed by one of the houses (this year the House of Delegates) and sent to the other house by Crossover. This year legislators are still debating on which programs to cut and how to raise revenue to make up a $3.2 billion deficit. I will try and focus on what is in the budget in a future newsletter.
Bills That Are Still Alive
If a bill has not passed either the House or the Senate by crossover day, there is very little chance that they will be passed and become law. Here are some of the bills that I’m following that passed one of the Houses and have a chance of passing.
Criminal Justice
HB 853 – Maryland Second Look Act – Incarcerated individuals who have served at least 20 years in prison who were convicted of crimes when they were between 18 and 25 years old could file a motion to reduce their sentence. The court can reduce tat person’s sentence if that person isn’t a danger to the public. Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
SB648 – Medical Parole Life Imprisonment – Enables the parole board to make the final decision whether or not to grant medical parole to an individual serving a life sentence without it going to the Governor for a possible veto. Judiciary Committee
HB 260 – Drug Paraphernalia – Prohibitions and Penalties This bill reduces penalties for offenses involving drug paraphernalia and controlled paraphernalia. Additionally, the bill repeals the prohibitions on a person possessing controlled paraphernalia or using controlled paraphernalia to administer a controlled dangerous substance (CDS). – Judicial Proceedings
HB 610 – Expungement – No Finding and Case Terminated without Finding This bill expands eligibility for an expungement to include a charge that was (1) disposed of by the court with a no finding designation or (2) included in a case that was designated by the court as having been terminated without finding. Senate Judicial Proceedings
HB207 Undocumented Students – Out of State Tuition Exemption Eligibility - This bill reduces the number of years (from three to two) for which an individual or an individual’s parent or guardian must file a Maryland income tax return prior to the academic year in order to qualify for an exemption from paying the out-of-state tuition rate under the Maryland Dream Act.. Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment
HB 504 – Excellence in Maryland Public Schools Act (Blueprint for the Future) – This bill introduced on behalf of the Administration originally delayed some of parts of the Blueprint legislation. Specifically it delayed the increase in non-teaching time for education, a freeze on the increase in spending for community schools, and the increase in per child spending. The House version of the legislation took out all those changes and left the Blueprint intact. Referred to Education, Energy, and the Environment.
SB 2 - Special Election to Fill a Vacancy in Office – It would mandate a constitutional amendment to vote on whether a vacancy for Delegate or Senator in the first year of the term would trigger a special election to fill the vacancy on the dates of the Presidential primary and general election. Referred to Ways and Means committee.
SB 633/HB 906 Stop Scam PACs Act - This bill requires people that solicit for a candidate or a political party and use the candidate’s name, image, or likeness in the solicitation to include a specified disclaimer on the solicitation. The bill also requires people that solicit for what appears to be a charitable purpose to include on each solicitation a statement that contributions or donations to the person are not necessarily used for charitable purposes and are not tax-deductible. Referred to House Ways and Means Committee and Senate Committee on Energy, Education and the Environment.
HB 270/SB116 – Data Center Impact Analysis –requires the Maryland Department of Legislative Services to conduct an impact analysis of the economic, environmental, and social impacts of data centers. Under existing practices, all electricity customers pay for the expansion of the grid! Data centers are straining our grid and increasing costs for everyone. Referred to Senate Education, Energy and Environment / House Finance Committee
Senate Bill 149 - RENEW Act, requires the State to study the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions by the largest polluters to Maryland’s environment and the cost to taxpayers for resulting resiliency and remediation activities. Referred to the House Environment and Transportation Committee
HB 424 / SB 357 Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Authority for Upper Payment Limits (Lowering Prescription Drugs for All Marylanders Act) – Mandates the Prescription Drug Affordability Board to determine whether it is in the best interest of the State to set Upper Price Limits for all purchases and payor reimbursements of prescription drug products in the State Senate Finance Committee/ House Government Operations
HB 905 – Safe Staffing Act Requiring hospitals licensed in the State to establish and maintain a clinical staffing committee and to implement a clinical staffing plan. Senate Finance Committee
SB 828 – Protecting Sensitive Locations Act which would require the Attorney General to set guidelines for what Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers can and cannot do in entering schools, public libraries, health facilities, and shelters unless they obtain a warrant from a state or federal judge. – House Judiciary Committee
SB 977 – Restrictions on Access to Information - This bill prohibits a law enforcement agency and a unit of State or local government from entering into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) or similar agreement that requires
collaboration or information sharing with a federal agency for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law. House Judiciary Committee
HB 211 Ability of Graduate Students to Negotiate – This bill allows Graduate Assistants who are teaching at one of the University of Maryland System institutions to form unions and bargain with their university. They currently do not have that right. Senate Finance Committee
SB 750 – Collective Bargaining Adjunct Faculty – The bill allows adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland System to negotiate collective bargaining agreements. House Appropriations Committee
HB 233 (Maryland Worker Freedom Act) The bill states that workers cannot face repercussions for refusing to attend a meeting called by management on “the decision to join or support a political party or potential civic, community, fraternal, or labor organization”. These are called captive audience meetings and are a tool used by employers to defeat union organizing drives. The bill was prompted by the prospect of the Trump Administration rolling back similar regulations by the National Labor Relations Board. Senate Finance Committee
HB 582 Limiting Exemptions from Overtime Pay – The bill raises the threshold of salaried employees who eligible for overtime to $58,000 from $35,000. This was a proposal put forward by the Federal Department of Labor but blocked by the courts. It would impact only workers in Maryland. Senate Finance Committee
HB 159 – Arbitration Process for State Employee Negotiations – Allows a neutral person to decide on a settlement when there is a conflict during negotiations that cannot be resolved. Senate Finance Committee
HB 273 Limit on Late Fess for Renters This bill prohibits a landlord (for residential leases) from charging a penalty for the late payment of rent that exceeds 5% of the amount of unpaid rent due for the rental period for which the payment was delinquent. Referred to Senate Judicial Proceedings
HB 872 / SB 606 Tenants' Right of First Refusal - Tenants have the right of first refusal to purchase a residential rental property if the property owner (1) intends to accept a third-party purchase offer for an amount that is at least 10% lower than the lowest price offered to the tenant during an exclusive negotiation period, or (2) receives a third-party offer without public notice. If a third party delivers an offer to purchase to the owner, the owner must notify the third party of a tenant’s right of first refusal. Referred to Senate Judicial Proceedings / House Environment and Transportation
HB 767 – Tenant Possessions Recovery Act – Tenants facing eviction would be entitled to a 10-day grace period to allow them to collect their personal belongs from their previous residence. Referred to Judicial Proceedings
HB 1076 – Notice of Landlord Entry – Requiring a landlord to provide a tenant with certain written notice in a certain manner at least 48 hours in advance of when the landlord intends to enter a leased premises, except in the event of a certain emergency. Referred to Judicial Proceedings
SB 856 – Maryland Tenant Mold Protection Act requiring a landlord to perform a mold assessment and mold remediation within 45 days after receipt of a written notice regarding the detection of mold Referred to House Environment and Transportation Committee
When there is a Committee Hearing on A Bill Scheduled, it is important to contact members of the Committee. The General Assembly website lists all the committees, the members of each committee and their contact information. Go to the main page (
Call or send an email to your legislators using the contact information found. Here is where you can find out who are your Delegates and Senator:
If you would like to include a short description of the bills, you can include the descriptions shown above. You are also encouraged to include any details of why you think this bill is important.
Dear (legislator),
My name is _________ and my address is ______________. I am writing to let you know that the following bill(s) is(are) important to me and to all Marylanders. I would like to request that you be a champion for these bills and help them get passed quickly.
Each of these bills is important for Maryland and I support them and would like your help in getting them passed. If you are not on the relevant committee, I would appreciate your voting for them during the session. If you are on the relevant committee, I hope you will fight for them and support the sponsors as much as possible.
Thank you for your consideration,
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